Just saw CAITLYN JENNER for the first time. Amazing what these liberals have achieved!


New member
Jan 11, 2015
Man, talk about a rolling freak show.

Lol at 2:37 he has a liberal moment as he has his hand in the air and then looks up into the sky.

New member
Nov 29, 2006
Uh, Jenner is a lifelong conservative.

Yep, conservatives are running over each other to be like Bruce Puke.
Give me a break...................

New member
Jan 11, 2015
Vitterd, you've done it again.

Bruce is a conservative as much as one of these transgenders is a woman who should be using the women's restroom. The answer is 'hell fucking no'. A true conservative does not chop his own dick off and abandon his family because he feels like he has a vagina.

The point is this. Bruce Transmutant is the poster boy (or poster girl) for modern day American liberals. He is a champion, a hero of the modern day liberal thought process. He stands for diversity, "having a sausage and using the women's restroom" rights, battling discrimination... and....

Nah. He doesn't stand for any of that. He is a sick, sick fuck who abandoned his family so he could live out a tranny fantasy. More importantly, he is the result of this new modern-day liberal philosophy, which is so backwards it's frightening.

New member
Jan 11, 2015
I shudder to think what these liberals will come up with next?

I think I'm going to call it right now. It will be bestiality related. It used to just be the 'gays'. Then it became the 'LGBT's. Then I saw on the news the other day that it has a few more letters. Only Satan knows what it is now.... LGBTXYZ's... something like that. They keep on adding letters. My guess, though, is that it will be the LGBT-BESTIALS syndicate.

Yep, that's right. Humans with animals. And it will probably be someone like Jon Stewart, the first LGBT-Bestial to pronounce his love for his.... I don't know, what would you liberals think of next.... his frog? Jon Stewart and his bestial relationship with his frog.

And we will get a Man/Bestial bathroom so that Jon Stewart can go to the bathroom with his frog.

New member
Nov 29, 2006
Bruce Puke ever walked into a restroom with 12 and 14 year old girls...he wouldn't
walk out of most Alabama towns.

Now Chicago, the murder liberal capitol of the United States might be different. As
long as he were in gay-boy white territory. Love to see Brucie go over in the black
parts of town.

Hell, Obama and REVERAND Jackson won't venture into those parts of town and both
liberal BS artist are from Chicago......Whose the outstanding mayor of Chicago? Just

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Vitterd, you've done it again.

Bruce is a conservative as much as one of these transgenders is a woman who should be using the women's restroom. The answer is 'hell fucking no'. A true conservative does not chop his own dick off and abandon his family because he feels like he has a vagina.

The point is this. Bruce Transmutant is the poster boy (or poster girl) for modern day American liberals. He is a champion, a hero of the modern day liberal thought process. He stands for diversity, "having a sausage and using the women's restroom" rights, battling discrimination... and....

Nah. He doesn't stand for any of that. He is a sick, sick fuck who abandoned his family so he could live out a tranny fantasy. More importantly, he is the result of this new modern-day liberal philosophy, which is so backwards it's frightening.

Uh, hey dipshit.....he's a conservative and has been his entire adult life. Next time know what you're talking about before you start an idiotic thread like this. If she walked into your trailer right now....you'd suck her dick.

New member
Jan 11, 2015
Uh, hey dipshit.....he's a conservative and has been his entire adult life. Next time know what you're talking about before you start an idiotic thread like this. If she walked into your trailer right now....you'd suck her dick.

Lolz. Classic liberal post. In the post you quoted I explained exactly why he is not a conservative. I'll put it in simpler terms. Bruce Jenner says he is a woman. He is not a woman. He is a man. He only "proclaims" to be a woman.

Ditto for his pseudo-conservatism.

Is that simple enough for you?

And then you finished off your post with (typical liberal action) "if she walked into your trailer right now.... you'd suck her dick"


I think you've convinced me you're a paid troll for this site.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Lolz. Classic liberal post. In the post you quoted I explained exactly why he is not a conservative. I'll put it in simpler terms. Bruce Jenner says he is a woman. He is not a woman. He is a man. He only "proclaims" to be a woman.

Ditto for his pseudo-conservatism.

Is that simple enough for you?

And then you finished off your post with (typical liberal action) "if she walked into your trailer right now.... you'd suck her dick"


I think you've convinced me you're a paid troll for this site.

You explained nothing......you are talking so idiotic it's hard to keep up. Jenner is a conservative and he's supported conservative candidates in the past.....not sure what you're not getting. Just because you're upset that a conservative is a he-she.....you're trying to say that she isn't a conservative.

I dont care if he calls himself a man or woman......I do know he's been a known vocal conservative with or without a dress.

Sep 5, 2010
Vitterd, you've done it again.

Bruce is a conservative as much as one of these transgenders is a woman who should be using the women's restroom. The answer is 'hell fucking no'. A true conservative does not chop his own dick off and abandon his family because he feels like he has a vagina.

The point is this. Bruce Transmutant is the poster boy (or poster girl) for modern day American liberals. He is a champion, a hero of the modern day liberal thought process. He stands for diversity, "having a sausage and using the women's restroom" rights, battling discrimination... and....

Nah. He doesn't stand for any of that. He is a sick, sick fuck who abandoned his family so he could live out a tranny fantasy. More importantly, he is the result of this new modern-day liberal philosophy, which is so backwards it's frightening.

Thanks for another moronic post/thread
Oct 30, 2006


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